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Our Success Stories

2021 we collaborated with a group of friends to be cooking meals for the “Internally displace children” camping in government organized shelters around Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The experience changed our lives. That experience brought us closer to the harsh reality of suffering (poor) children and families in Nigeria. Anytime we went there to share food, we observed what was going on. These children scrambled and fought each other for the food. The fought each other just to get something to eat because they were always hungry. And unfortunately for some, the food never got to them because we couldn’t afford to feed them all. While doing this, we saw how much impact the project was making, so we decided to ask for a small donation through a friend in Canada to continue the project.
Going there and seeing these children reminded me of myself, going through some of these challenges as young boy growing up in the village. The only thing that changed my story or that differentiates me from them is having people who cared about education and made it possible for me to acquire quality private education. I was just a little village boy living in the village when my grandfather, a hard-working farmer with a passion for education, decided to enroll me in a private school in the city despite the financial challenge. When I graduated from that primary school I was back in the village for lack of finance. After 3 years in a village government school, my father who was living overseas at the time; came and moved me to a private high school in the city. I was very excited to be in that school because I was living among the children that I used to admire from a distance. Plus, I now eat three meals a day. As a foodie, that was very important to me.
Apart from me being a foodie, we know that a hungry child is prone to crime and inability to focus, especially in school. Hence why we are going to keep our food project as we work on proving quality education for this children.  A hungry stomach cannot focus in school and is prone to crime.
Studies have shown that children experiencing hunger are more likely to have problem with memory and concentration because of the lack the energy to carry out school functions. Some educator's states that hungry students suffer from Poor academic performance, lack of motivation, tiredness, and inability to concentrate. That is why we decided to focus on food first then education. When we eat then we study. Two things I learned from my grandfather, "no one deserves to go to bed with an empty stomach, and no child deserves to be out of school or compromise the quality of their education irrespective of financial situation."

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