Tech for Youth Program
at HKAF Skill Centre
Technological or computer knowledge and education in Nigerian public schools is nonexistent. Yet children who graduate from these schools are expected to compete with their peers from private schools where they have access to technology/computers. No wonder, these children continue to lag after they have graduated. And in today’s digital age, a child without technological knowledge/skill has little to no chance of success.

So, our goal is to empower vulnerable children in our communities by giving them in-demand computer skills and confidence to succeed in a rapidly evolving digital world. We do this by leveraging subject matter expertise and prioritizing technological innovation at our skill centre. We partner with selected government Primary schools in marginalized communities to identified students with high interest in acquiring digital/computer skills, and we enroll them in this after school programs, where they’ll come to our centre after school hours to learn these important skills needed for today’s digital world. These adopted schools are in the most marginalized areas of the city and are not more than 5 kilometers from our training centre. As they come in, we serve lunch together then participate in a 30-minute social program like board games and discussion. Then get into computer skill training.